Documenting payments

The landlord must keep accurate records regarding the tenancy and provide these to the tenant on request.
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Landlords have to keep accurate records of the rent and bond paid for their property (s 30 RTA) and be able to provide these to the tenant (s 29 RTA). They can be made to pay an infringement fee or damages if they fail to do this (s 30(2) RTA).

In practice, some landlords may not keep adequate records of payments, especially if rent is being paid in cash, or the tenancy does not have a written tenancy agreement. To avoid such situations, it’s important that the landlord and tenant agree at the beginning of the tenancy how rent will be recorded and receipted, especially if payments will be made in cash.

Tenants should be advised not to pay in cash without a receipt, and to keep receipts safe (in a special box / biscuit tin!). In the worst case scenario, if there is a lack of proof of payment by the tenant, they may face a demand that they pay the rent again and could face their tenancy being at risk due to claimed arrears.

Tenants should be encouraged to set up some form of automatic payment system so that bank records exist. These are very hard to dispute.

Further details on the landlord’s requirements to give receipts for rent are here.

Aratohu couple