About the Aratohu Tenant Advocacy

This resource is designed to provide support and guidance to tenants and their advocates.

"Hapaitia te ara tika pumau ai te rangatiratanga mo nga uri whakatipu"

Foster the pathway of knowledge to strength, independence and growth for future generations

What is the Aratohu Tenant Advocacy?

The Aratohu Tenant Advocacy is a comprehensive online resource that provides support and guidance to tenants and their advocates.  Aratohu is the te reo Māori word for guideline, and has been used here to identify this resource as a guided pathway to navigate through renting issues so that tenants know their rights, are empowered to act on them, and can achieve positive housing outcomes.

It is designed to be a practical guide and provide in-depth information about tenants’ rights, as well as strategies and guidance for resolving problems. It is written for both tenant advocates and those people who wish to advocate for themselves. 

The Aratohu provides best practice guidance for advocacy, including how to advocate for a tenant and setting appropriate boundaries. It provides guidance on keeping both the tenant and their advocate safe through the advocacy process.

It also highlights a range of services that tenants, and their advocates, can access for more help and support. If you need to contact a tenancy advocacy service please check our Support Services page for services near you.

How did the Aratohu come about?

The Aratohu Tenant Advocacy is a project initiated by the Tenant Advocates Network (TAN), a national group of organisations involved in tenant advocacy. TAN is dedicated to the sharing of expertise and information, and to improving tenancy advocacy in Aotearoa.

The Aratohu came out of TAN’s desire to update the Tenant Protection Association's Tenancy Advocacy Manual, a valuable paper-based resource that had gone out of date. This was about recognising the need for a tenant-focused resource around renting rights and the challenging context for people renting in New Zealand.

Who has contributed?

The project has been led and implemented by Citizens Advice Bureau New Zealand.

The content of the Aratohu has been informed by the work and wisdom of tenant advocates over time. In particular we acknowledge the Auckland Tenants’ Protection Association for their work in producing the earlier manual.

We also acknowledge the commitment of all TAN members to improving tenant advocacy:

  • Auckland Tenants’ Protection Association
  • Christchurch Tenants Protection Association
  • Manawatu Tenants Union
  • Renters United
  • Citizens Advice Bureau New Zealand  
  • Community Law Centres of Aotearoa
  • Victoria University Students’ Association
  • NZ Council of Christian Social Services
  • NZ Union of Student Associations

This project could not have happened without the support and funding received from Tenancy Services.

Getting in touch about the Aratohu

The Aratohu Tenancy is kept updated by Citizens Advice Bureau New Zealand, who can be contacted at admin@cab.org.nz.

