Empowering the tenant

This page briefly describes the 3 S's method that supports empowerment
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The key to empowering tenants is to find opportunities to share what we know/learn with the tenant so that they can use the same processes, tools or knowledge to help themselves in the future.

We demonstrate behaviour that will be useful for the tenant to follow if they are in this situation again.

It is therefore very important that:

  1. we demonstrate effective behaviour and
  2. the tenant is able to see or know what we are doing as much as possible.

The 3 S's method

The 3 S’s is a useful process which supports empowerment.

  1. STEPS – explain the key steps to the tenant
  2. SHOW – demonstrate/model these steps
  3. SHARE – provide any instructions, templates, web links or checklists for the tenant for future reference.
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